When your loafmate meets the bread knife of life — it cuts you.

Woodsman here, I am still getting my writing feet wet when it comes to sharing my writing online. I have been writing for some years now for myself and making a few things for people to enjoy.

This blog is going to be a fusion of our writing, stories of our relationship, and the adventures we experience.

Well, my loafmate, as I so aptly put it in the last post, got a slice of life the other day and about gave me a heart attack (and I’ve had heart failure before).

She was on a lengthy Zoom call for work, when she suddenly and unexpectedly had a seizure. It was not a fun sight and it was a very serious situation. I am going to spare everyone the details and just say that I did call an ambulance, and we did spend a few days (and overnights) at the local hospital in the ICU. 

We have since found out some things that need a little fixing, but nothing major. We don’t believe that it should happen again.

But wow! Talk about scaring the crap out of me! 

I mean, I am not trying to sound selfish here, but I have met this amazing, wonderful person and we have so many thoughts and ideas and plans in motion to go on new and grand adventures as a team. 

No, Murphy, you are not allowed to take my new love from me! 

My advice to friends, and people, is to always be prepared to handle unexpected situations. 

Always be there for your friend and partner. 

~ virtus honoris et amoris ~


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