May Pup-date
Well, if you ever had a three headed doberman (Go Cerberus), then you know having your hands attached after it's done with the teething / chewing stage would be a feat of the gods. The Chew Monster is also known as the Poop Machine, the Bottomless Pit of Food Consumption, Needle Teeth and a few others. She’s doing really well. I have to admit that I have been around some really not so smart puppies, but she is pretty amazing so far. She knows how to sit and hold. She comes when you call her name, and also most of the time gets out of the garden when you tell her to. She’s developed a shrill bark that beckons her big bro to come play zoomies, and get anyone's attention at anything about to be shred to pieces. The German Shepherd is not so impressed. Arna prefers to hide in her closet cave (yes) to stay clear of Needle Teeth. During the day, she’ll sleep with the other two. We discovered that buying smaller raw hides Cowdog Chews (dubbed chewy’s) is the way to go. The little ...