Cheetos For Dogs?

Dog Non-chewable Items are Like Cheetos for Humans If you need an amateur (apprentice?) wire stripper, then you can rent the Doberman. Fees include: everything. Sigh. General observations here. Humans shouldn't eat Cheetos or Old Dutch Ruffle Chips with Top The Tater Dip (ahem Woodsman). In the same vein, dogs shouldn't strip wiring, eat underwear, bedding or shoes. When they have access to ample toys and the occasional Warlord Squirrel you know something's up. I've come to the conjecture* that chewing "wrong" things isn't necessarily about attention. Nay, I think that bedding, shoes and table legs have a distinct — and nuanced — flavor. Think about it. Hoo-mans love our delicious snacky foods as opposed to chicken and salads. So how are canines any different? Cats and boxes have a similar theme (rolly-dingy-ball-thingy). If you've ever had a feline, then you know what I'm sayin'.