Let's Get to The Point

Let's Get to The Point

Written by: Woodsman

I’m laughing in my head at the title. Most of us would take that line in a literal way and this time I actually mean it in a physical way. 

The Writer was gracious enough to take me to her family's hidden away cabin on a lake in northern Minnesota.  You have to drive down a goat path just to get into it. 

If you are a wise person after you have traveled this trail once you will back down the last part of the driveway — if you're driving a pickup truck anyway. 

So let's talk about the point from an outsider's perspective. It is a wonderful piece of land that her family has owned for some time and has also documented the history of while they have been the stewards of it.  

They’ve also kept it from eroding away due to gnarly waves when the wind picks up. If you haven’t caught on by now, then it is a literal point — a peninsula — that goes out into the lake.

They have docks on both sides of it, so if it’s too windy on one side to fish or swim, just go to the other side. The wolves enjoyed jumping off of both to fetch sticks.

The table dock is a great place to have a meal or just your morning coffee and pipe.

Add in a fishing rod while sitting here and you will very likely gather a nice meal of panfish and bass. 

I know all of you are going to want to know the name of the lake, but this is one of those times I am not going to share. If you are in our circle of friends you’ll know. Choose one of the many lakes on the iron range portion of Minnesota and you will have something very close as many of them have great and unique features.

We did have a great weekend adventure despite having insane variations of weather. I wouldn't be surprised if mother nature made it snow on us in July.

If you're stuck in the rain in a cabin, and you want something fun to do I highly recommend buying Poetry For Neanderthals. It’s a very fun game to play with a couple glasses of wine.  

Right before we left, I did a fun thing. I took a gallon jug, and filled it up with crispy clean lake water for a project. 

I’m now making Northern Minnesota Lake mead. That tasting is a story for next time. 


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